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- Unit 98 / 33 Newcastle Street
Perth Western Australia, 6000
Yirra Yaakin is one of Australia’s leading Aboriginal performing arts organisations, showcasing award-winning theatre productions that actively promote the Indigenous culture. The organisation is community driven, actively engaging in educational programs and youth workshops in a bid to encourage and further develop Indigenous Australian’s within the theatre industry.
After years of operating under the existing brand, twenty-one years marked a transitional phase for Yirra Yaakin, which was to be reflected in this new ‘identity’ to appropriately mark this milestone. The existing brand resided in the past of cultural identity, and with this milestone approaching the company wished to communicate the vision of ‘standing tall’ (meaning of Yirra Yaakin) and lead into future horizons. It was our task to refresh the existing brand into a modern and culturally symbolic image that would powerfully represent the organisation and the Indigenous community for years to come.